Lay off of the morning math worksheets and try out some of these magical math puzzles that show students how math can be enchanting!
1. Calendar Magic 9Impress your friends with this math multiplication magic trick from Murderous Maths! Kids tell a friend to put a square around 9 numbers on a calendar ( 3 x 3 box). Then, they say they can find the sum of the 9 numbers within the square in a flash! Abracadabra and alakazam! All they do is multiply the number in the center of the square by 9 and presto! They magically have the answer! 
2. Shoe Math MagicMultiply shoe size by 5 (must be a whole number, round up if you have to)
Add 50 
Multiply by 20 
Add 1015 (change each year / next year 1016)
Subtract the year you were born 
First digit = shoe size 
Last 2 digits = age
3. Magic SquareMagic Square is a great tactile, thinking game for kids, that has them rearrange three numerals (horizontal, vertical, and diagonal) so they all equal one sum, a magical number! I was inspired by Love 2 Learn 2 Days milk cap magic square, so I made my own! Kids love the use of milk caps because they can slide and glide them around on a flat table top. Magic Squares are also a good way for kids to improve their addition skills using a group of addends, three whole numbers in an equation.
4. Perimeter Magic Triangles
Perimeter Magic Triangles
 help children improve their addition skills using three addends! All you need are 6 milk caps labeled 1-6. Kids slide the milk caps around, forming a triangle. Their goal is to have all 3 sides add up to equal the same sum. 
5. ​Toothpick Math PuzzlesGeometric toothpick puzzles that help develop problem solving and critical thinking skills.
Lists of puzzles to try:
Puzzle Playground
Planet Seed 
Toothpick Triangles