Wednesday 25 January 2017


The use of the Pythogearan Theorm

So what is the use of such a theorem.

Firefighters use this when setting up ladders, police and criminal investigations use it for understanding where and when a shooter has shot or fired a weapon. Architects, Construction managers, and soldiers use it in their everyday lives for there jobs, and knowing these things are absolutely necessary.

Architecture and Construction

  • The most obvious application of the Pythagorean Theorem is in the world of architecture and building construction, particularly in reference to triangular-shaped roofs and gables. The theorem applies only when dealing with right triangles or triangles with a 90-degree angle.


  • Triangulation is a method used for pinpointing a location when two reference points are known. When triangulation is used with a 90-degree angle, the Pythagorean Theorem is used to determine the location. Cell phones can be traced by way of triangulation. Car navigation systems use this method. Triangulation can also be used in conjunction with a compass to determine one's geographic location. NASA also uses triangulation to determine the position of spacecraft. NASA sends a signal to the craft which then bounces the signal back. Triangulation uses these figures to calculate the craft's position in space.
  • 1) Road Trip: Let’s say two friends are meeting at a playground. One friend is located on the south-west corner of playground and other is located on the north-east corner of the playground. There are two ways to go let us see how you can take the help of Pythagoras theorem to calculate the shortest distance between the meeting points of two friends. If you follow a road 3 miles east and then 4 miles north. Your total distance covered will be 3+4 = (7) miles but if you apply the Pythagoras theorem to calculate the distance you will get:
    (3)+ (4)2 =
    9 + 16 = C2
    √25 = C
    5 Miles. = C
    So this will save them 2 miles distance.
    2) Painting on a Wall: Painters use ladders to paint on high buildings and often use the help of the Pythagoras theorem to complete their work. Take for example a painter who has to paint a wall which is about 8 m high. The painter has to put the ladder 6 m away to avoid a rack in between. What will be the length of the ladder required by the painter to complete his work? You can calculate it using the Pythagoras theorem:
    (8)+ (6)2 =
    64 + 36 = C2
    √100 = C
    10 Mts. = C
    Thus, the painter will need a ladder 10 meters high.
    3) Buying a Suitcase: Mr. Harry wants to purchase a suitcase. The shopkeeper tells Mr. Harry that he has a 30 inch of suitcase available at present and the height of the suitcase is 18 inches. Calculate the actual length of the suitcase for Mr. Harry using the Pythagoras theorem. It is calculated this way:
    (18)+ (b)2 = (30)2
    324 + b2 = 900
    B2 = 900 – 324
    b= √576
    = 24 inches

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