Thursday 15 June 2017

Funny Math Jokes

Funny Math Jokes

by STEPHEN on JANUARY 21, 2013 · 26 COMMENTS
“Students nowadays are so clueless”, the math professor complains to a colleague.
“Yesterday, a student came to my office hours and wanted to know if General Calculus was a Roman war hero…”
A mathematician organizes a raffle in which the prize is an infinite amount of money paid over an infinite amount of time.
Of course, with the promise of such a prize, his tickets sell like hot cake.
When the winning ticket is drawn, and the jubilant winner comes to claim his prize, the mathematician explains the mode of payment: “1 dollar now, 1/2 dollar next week, 1/3 dollar the week after that…”
A math student and a computer science student are jogging together in a park when they hear a voice: “Please, help me!”
They stop and look. The voice belongs to a frog sitting in the grass.
“Please, help me!” the frog repeats. “I’m not really a frog: I’m an enchanted, beautiful princess. Kiss me, and the spell will be broken – and I will be yours forever…”
The CS student picks up the frog and examines it carefully from all sides – making not even an attempt to kiss it.
“You don’t have to marry me”, the frog continues frantically, “if you’re afraid of the commitment. I’ll do whatever you wish me to do if you just kiss me…”
The frog’s voice is silenced, when the CS student puts the animal into the right pocket of his pants.
“But why don’t you kiss her?!” the math student asks.
“You know”, the CS student replies, “I simply don’t have time for a girlfriend – but a frog that talks makes a really cool pet…”
A visitor at the Royal Tyrell Museum asks a museum employee: “Can you tell me how old the skeleton of that T-Rex is?”
“It is precisely 60 million and three years, two months, and eighteen days old.”
“How can you know that with such precision?!”
“Well, when I started working here, one of the scientists told me that the skeleton was 60 million years old – and that was precisely three years, two months, and eighteen days ago…”
“Divide fourteen sugar cubes into three cups of coffee so that each cup has an odd number of sugar cubes in it.”
“That’s easy: one, one, and twelve.”
“But twelve isn’t odd!”
“It’s an odd number of cubes to put in a cup of coffee…”
A mathematician gives a talk intended for a general audience. The talk is announced in the local newspaper, but he expects few people to show up because nobody who is not a mathematician will be able to make any sense of the title: Convex sets and inequalities.
To his surprise, the auditorium is crammed when his talk begins. After he has finished, someone in the audience raises his hand.
“But you said nothing about the actual topic of your talk!”
“What topic to you mean?”
“Well, the one that was announced in the paper: Convicts, sex, and inequality.”
At the end of his course on mathematical methods in optimization, the professor sternly looks at his students and says: “There is one final piece of advice I’m going to give you now: Whatever you have learned in my course – never ever try to apply it to your personal lives!”
“Why?” the students ask.
“Well, some years ago, I observed my wife preparing breakfast, and I noticed that she wasted a lot of time walking back and forth in the kitchen. So, I went to work, optimized the whole procedure, and told my wife about it.”
“And what happened?!”
“Before I applied my expert knowledge, my wife needed about half an hour to prepare breakfast for the two of us. And now, it takes me less than fifteen minutes…”

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